Installation instructions

A correct and careful installation of all products manufactured by Gala is essential if we wish to make the most of their technical features. For this reason, it is necessary:

1- To verify the gauge, hue and quality of the product, before installation.

2- To select suitable tools for installation (a dented trowel, a soft rubber mallet, a suction cup and a rubber trowel for the application of grouting material).

3- That the surface onto which the material will be installed is level, clean and waterproof.

4- To pay special attention to the type of adhesive to be used (please check with your regular supplier of adhesives), as each type of tile needs a suitable adhesive. (Standard: EN-1348)

5- That the professional in charge of installing the material makes the right choice on the joints between tiles, as well as on the perimeter seal, so that a correct absorption of the structural movements and a compensation of the dimensional tolerances of the product may be assured. Gala Cerámica recommends the installation of tiles with a 1 mm minimum joint as well as checking any other instructions on the box (measurements between gauges or recommended joint).

6- To avoid the use of colour joints containing carbon black (micronized carbon), or any dyes that might hinder the cleaning of the tiled surface.

7- To clean the excess grouting material from the tile surface while it is still fresh, using a sponge dampened in clean water; under no circumstance should any hard materials be used, such as metallic scrapers or abrasive scourers. The instructions of the manufacturer of adhesives should always be followed.

8- That, once tiles have been installed, any operations on the tiled area are avoided (plastering, painting, installation of scaffolding/stairs, projection of metallic remnants from circular saws, ongoing movement of tools, dragging of heavy objects, remnants of abrasive building materials, etc.). Should this not be possible, then all tiles and joints should be protected to avoid subsequent cleaning or deterioration problems. The material used for this protection should not harm the tiles nor should it contain any chemicals that might harm them.

Special instructions for mosaics:

In order to obtain a mosaic effect, all pieces should be installed tightly together and they should all be grouted. The installation of Gala mosaics is simple and quick, as no cross-spacers are needed.

Step 1: Install the pieces with no separation between them.

Step 2: Grout the whole surface and clean the excess grouting material. The exclusive finish of mosaics guarantees a perfect absorption of the grouting, without needing special materials.

As for design, in order to obtain an excellent finish and be able to appreciate all its qualities, Gala recommends that tiles from the highest possible number of boxes are mixed before installation.  

Special installation of steps:

The structural substrate should be perfectly clean and level.
Start the installation from the top down.
It is essential to avoid leaving areas without adhesive.
Fill in the gap between the wall and the inner edge of the step completely.
Place the stair riser (lower piece) at the same level than the step.
The step should be protected during the installation period.
Direct blows to the steps should be avoided during the installation period and once they have been installed.

Special installation of rectangular formats:

The discontinuous installation of rectangular formats should never be done in the middle of the piece.  
In order to keep the aesthetics and to avoid further difficulties in their installation, it is recommended that the discontinuous installation does not exceed 25% of the side onto which it is applied.


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